Some of us are confused about a rooster’s role in the chicken flock, and some believe roosters lay eggs. We all know male chicken is called a rooster. Whether it lays an egg or not, each farm owner should know the pros and cons before adding a rooster to the flock. So in the coming discussion, you will understand that roosters lay eggs or not.
Naturally, males species do not produce eggs, and roosters are not an exemption to this. So the straight answer is, “No, rooster, don’t lay eggs directly.” But roosters play a vital role in hatching chicks.
Types of Roosters:

It’s essential to choose a healthy and good rooster for breeding purposes, no matter which types of rooster you bought. Also, those can guard the flock and can procreate. Below are the main types of a rooster that are available to breed-
- Barbu D’Uccle Rooster
- Welsummer Rooster
- The Java Rooster
- Faverolle Rooster
- Sebright Rooster
- Australorp Rooster
- Langshan Rooster
- Cochin Rooster
- Buff Orpington Rooster
- Plymouth Rock Rooster
Advantages of keeping a Rooster:
The appearance of a rooster among hen flock is necessary and also useful for your farm. This is a good thing not only for the farm but also for your hens. Below are the points:
01. Normally, chickens that lay eggs without a rooster are unfertilized. But if you need to fertilize the eggs naturally to hatch baby chicks, then you will need a rooster.
02. More than that, roosters are fit to protect the hen flock from potential predators. They will keep your chickens on their toes by continually alerting them when there is danger around.
03. It’s good to maintain the ‘natural’ balance in the flock by having a rooster around. Because chickens feel secure, and it inherently provides a state of affairs. One or two roosters is enough in 15 or more hens flock at once.
Disadvantages of keeping a Rooster:
If you don’t want to hatch your farm chicks, then there is no need for a rooster for hens. Because there are few difficulties if you keep a rooster on the farm. Those are-
01. Roosters are too noisy. They wake you up in the early morning by its “Cuckee Dudaal Doo” sound and make loud noises all day long. It does not wake you up only; it wakes up all your neighbours too.
02. Sometimes, a rooster can be aggressive. It has spurred on its leg bones that can cut your skin. Also, they compete and eat most of the feed you give to the hen.
03. Roosters can exhaust hens, and your production of the egg can be reduced because of the chicken’s physical exhaustion. This happens if you keep more than one rooster in a 10 to 12 hens flock.
When roosters reach reproductive maturity?

A rooster’s presence is essential for a hen to lay eggs. A productive rooster should have a healthy reproductive system. Usually, a young rooster reaches sexual maturity and produces sperm at 4 to 5 months of age. Also, that time they start to act like a rooster. They can endure fertility for several years, although the quantity and quality of sperm that roosters produce drops as they age.
The mating processing of a Rooster:
When a rooster is ready to mate with his partner, he makes an unusual dancing move with his leg and feather. It let the female chicken know it’s time to mate. The whole mating process takes only a few seconds to complete. A rooster can mate 10 to 30 times per day, depending on individual rooster needs. A rooster sperm counts between 150 million to 5 billion approximately.
Once the sperm enters hens body, it is held in the oviduct. Then the sperm joins in the egg, and fertilization occurs. The mated hen can also store sperm in the body, and her eggs will be fertile for at least a few weeks. But most importantly, the eggs need a certain amount of temperature to develop. The eggs need 99 degrees of Fahrenheit for about 24 hours to successfully ovulate.
It’s good to know that the rooster takes a break in the winter, and its fertility decreases at that time. It comes back in its nature again in the springtime. It may take the rooster a few days to make the rounds and mate with all the hens in the flock. So give the rooster a week before demanding a high level of fertility in the eggs.
01. Do roosters have a penis?
A rooster holds all his reproductive stuff inside. It has a penis-like organ name Cloaca. A tube called the ductus deferens brings sperm to the cloaca. It merely places its cloaca next to the hen’s cloaca and transfers sperm there.
02. Are hens comfortable with a rooster?
Chickens feel comfortable and secure when the rooster stays around them.
03. Does a rooster execute chickens and lay more eggs?
Roosters are required around your hens only to fertilize the eggs. Roosters are not necessary if you want to increase egg production from your backyard flock. They won’t do anything to improve the egg production of hens.
04. Does a rooster nesting on eggs?
No, a rooster doesn’t sit on a nest. Because a clutch of eggs needs 21 days to hatches, and mother hen does the role better.
05. Is it possible for a rooster to lay eggs?
No, roosters do not lay eggs as it is a male species.
The presence of a rooster does not change the ability of hens to lay eggs. The hen automatically starts laying eggs when it achieves a certain age. But without including a rooster, those eggs will not become fertile. So those eggs cannot hatch to produce chicks, and that’s when roosters come into the action.
Overall, the rooster doesn’t lay eggs directly, but it helps breed chicks on our farm.