Home Pest Control Tips for Renters and Landlords

John Boyd

For landlords and renters, home pest control is a matter of cooperative collaboration. If both parties agree to work together to keep pests out, the following tips will help.

For Renters

Keep floors and surfaces clean.

Crumbs, spills, and old food wrappers attract pests.

  • Keep floors clean.Whether you have carpeted or hardwood floors, vacuuming them with the appropriate setting every few days is the best practice. If you have hardwood, tile, or linoleum flooring, mop with hot soapy water at least once a week.
  • Sterilize surfaces.Throw food wrappers away immediately after use and wipe down table and countertop surfaces with a disinfectant spray daily to avoid attracting ants, mice, and many other hard-to-remove pests.

Store dry food in sealed containers.

Most household pests can easily penetrate paper, plastic, and cardboard food packaging. Here are some best practices for pest-prevention food storage.

  • Invest in glass or ceramic food storage containers.While some types of hard plastic are almost as strong, glass and ceramic containers are the most effective at keeping out pests.
  • Make sure your lids are tight-fitting and fully closed before storing.Ceramic food storage containers often come with a rubber gasket that helps seal the container. These gaskets can wear out over time and become less effective, so periodically replacing them is necessary.

Report the appearance or discovery of structural damage immediately to landlords.

Look for holes, cracks, and gaps in the following common household pest entrances and make a list for your landlord.

  • Around windows, light fixtures, and doorways.
  • Under sinks and in the backs of cupboards and drawers.

Consider performing a thorough check of these areas every year in the late summer or early fall to prevent rodents from nesting in your home for warmth when outside temperatures drop.

For Landlords

Respond promptly to tenant maintenance requests.

The longer a crack, hole, or gap stays open without repair, the more time you give rodents and bugs to crawl in for warmth, moisture, and of course, food and breeding grounds. Assuming that your tenants report existing or new structural damage without delay, your quick response in arranging repairs ensures that bugs and rodents stay out.

Consider scheduling yearly preventative inspections.

If you are serious about protecting your investment (or your client’s investment if you run a property management firm), scheduling a yearly preventative inspection with a top-rated local pest control company is the best way to stay ahead of pests.

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